Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Sk8niks & Scottish Fold Release Show in Kyoto by Zen Lunatics 和英紹介ブログ

Sacred Mountain Blues Vol. 6 
Sk8niks & Scottish Fold Release Show in Kyoto 
Nov. 28, 2015 (Saturday) 
Scottish Fold 
manchester school≡ 
ハクバ (hakuba)  
Zen Lunatics 
Studio 246 Kyoto (near Hankyu Omiya Station) 
1000 yen Open: 17:30 Start: 18:00

The last event of the year hosted by Zen Lunatics! Cheap tickets, cheap drinks, six incredibly awesome bands on a Saturday night, and cool people to hang out with. Right on the Hankyu Line so easy to get there and back. We are looking forward to seeing you.


The flyer was made by Zen Lunatics vocalist Dani. I've gotten so many "cooooool"s passing around this flyer. It's this awesome sense of aesthetic and nature Dani has that really shapes our band's lyrics as well. Dani is currently back home in the US, so unfortunately he won't be singing, but thanks to the flyer Dani will give us the energy to rage on.


Band intros / バンド紹介

Sk8niks and Scottish Fold

The “Golden Tag Team of Punk Rock” have put their forces together to release a split on 7” vinyl (CD included). About once a month or so, they have been travelling around Japan to perform release shows. Zen Lunatics was honored with the task of putting on their Kyoto release show. We are a new hardcore punk band in the local scene, so we want to do our best to put on an amazing show for our sempai. If I’m not mistaken, this is the last release show before their final two-man release show in Osaka next year. We have put together a lineup of bands that I truly believe showcases the best of rock, hardcore punk, and good people in the Kyoto and Osaka scene.

自称「パンクロックのゴールデン・タグティーム」が力を合わせてスプリット7インチ(CD付)をリリースしました。1ヶ月に一回程度に、日本の各地を回ってリリースツアーを行ってきました。そんな彼らのリリースツアーの京都編の企画を、このZen Lunaticsに依頼が来ました。大変光栄です。われわれはまだまだシーンで新米なので、大先輩のために力を尽くして楽しい夜を用意します。(情報が間違ってたらすみませんが)これが来年行われる大阪でのツアーファイナルの2マンの前まで最後のリリースギグです。京都かつ大阪のロック、パンク、ハードコアの代表となる6バンドを勢ぞろいしていただきます。しかも入っているメンバーも全員最高な人間ばっかりです。


It’s hard to believe this 15-year old band has had some line-up changes in recent years, because the current lineup is a rock and roll powerhouse! Call it skate rock, skate punk, whatever you want, get your fists in the air, your body in the pit, and start rocking out to this band.
We got to know this band through original Zen Lunatics vocalist Dani, who was skateboarding friends with one of the ex-members of the band, so we invited them to play our show. It was very exciting when they said yes, and it was one of the biggest names on one of our show lists yet.


Scottish Fold

True hardcore punk legends from Osaka, Japan, these guys have been around for about 25 years! And 25 years later they haven’t let up one bit! And only one member change throughout that time, with the addition of Sensei-Ikeda on drums in 1993 (ex-Mortalized). Their intense ferocity powers through both hardcore punk-style positive attitude lyrics as well as songs about pro wrestling and baseball, and the vocalist constantly engages with the audience making their shows an active experience. Awesome band for anyone who likes fast, intense music.

Scottish Fold は大阪のハードコアの伝説のバンドです。25年間経っても一切迫力の劣りを見せないアンドです。プロレスや野球の歌詞を含み、ハードコアらしく怒りやポジティブアティテュードのテーマなどを使って、ボーカルのやまちょんさんが客さんと一つになってステージとフロアをつなげてみんなに忘れられない経験をさせてくれます。早い、迫力のある音楽が好きな人にはお勧めです。

Scottish Fold HP


3-piece grindcore / hardcore band from Kyoto. I have also found Kyoto to be a home to very high quality grindcore-centered hardcore acts in the wake of local heroes SxOxB, and Dimwit is no exception. No-nonsense ferocious songs and performance, this band has quickly become representatives of what Kyoto has to offer in terms of hardcore punk. Part of the 3-way split CD with By-Pass and Low Card de la Morte released by Hardcore Kitchen, one of my favorite recent local releases.

京都ローカルの3人組グラインド・ハードコアバンド。自分が京都に住んで以来、新たにグラインド中心のハードコアバンドを発見するたびに、その迫力とクオリーティーに圧倒されました。Dimwitもその例外でもなんでもありません。ドストレートな激突の音楽と演奏が、もはやまたもう一つの京都ハードコア代表となっています。ハードコアキッチンリリースのDimwit、By-Pass、Low Card de la Morteによる3-wayスプリットCDも個人的に最近お気に入りのローカル音源です。

Dimwit Facebook Page

manchester school≡

This has been one of my favorite bands in the Osaka punk scene for a few years now, so it is hard to put into a concise paragraph why they are so great. Their music, a mix of Buzzcocks style romantic melodic punk and Gang Green style fast no-nonsense hardcore punk, sung in Japanese is flawlessly executed, while their performance stirs up a raging energy that so few bands pull off. Basically put, this band is really, really fun. I recommend watch their music videos a few times, and come to the show and sing along with us. They have a CD released by Razor’s Edge Kenji’s label, Thrash on Life Records.

マンチェはこの何年間か僕にとってお気に入りのバンドで、好きな理由が簡潔な文書にまとめにくいです。ブリティッシュメロディックパンクに早い安い旨いアメハーな音のちょうどいいバランスが日本語の歌詞で完璧に成し遂げられます。しかしそのライブパフォーマンス!こんなにエネルギーに巻き込まれる力があるバンドは少ないと思います。簡単にいうと、とても楽しいバンドです。PVを見まくって、歌詞を覚えて、一緒に歌いに来ればいいと思います。レイザーズエッジのケンジさんによるレーベル、Thrash on Life RecordsよりCDをリリースもしています。

ハクバ (Hakuba)
While maybe the least “hardcore” band of the night, to me they are probably the most “punk”. Three-piece all-girl rock, fronted by bass-vocalist Caitlyn, a performance dance student, who writes the most awesome lyrics in both Japanese and English, accompanied by the guitarist and drummer who really know how to rock. Hakuba has been playing very actively in the past year and for good reason, they are a really cool band and I recommend you come and check them out.


ハクバ (hakuba) facebook page

Zen Lunatics

Fast! Cheap! Dumb! Well, those are the lyrics to one of the songs. We like to rock out to songs about one-cup sake, monks running blindfolded in mountains, and general wabisabi fare. We released a 10-song EP on one-sided 12” vinyl, which you can listen into its entirety here. This is our last show of the year, and we really want you to come hang with us. We will probably play less next year, as we have a different temporary lineup, and also we want to record some music.


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

In Defence Kyoto show! インデフェンス・日本ツアー2015年京都編! Japan tour 2015


On Wednesday, November 11, I am putting on a show in Kyoto to welcome my favorite hometown band. I did my best to put together a killer event for this day, and I wrote an introduction about the show. I really appreciate anyone who takes the time to read it.

フライヤーはもう一つやっているバンドゼンルナティックスのギターのキョウヂが作ってくれた。彼はいつもゼンルナのフライヤーやロゴなど作ってくれて、いつも僕の大好きな感じです。そんなキョウヂが僕の新しいバンドの第1企画のも作ってくれたの嬉しいです。キョウヂは「手書き」や「文字」にこだわっていて、バンド名も一つずつIn Defenceのロゴを意識したのかと思うようなかっこいい出来上がりになっています。

The flyer was hand-drawn by my Kyozi, guitarist for my other band Zen Lunatics. He has drawn a bunch of flyers for Zen Lunatics and I always love them. I am really happy he drew the flyer for the first event hosted by my new band. He has a passion for his designs, and is especially interested in hand-drawing different fonts. I really like how he themed all of the band names based on the original "In Defence" logo.


Venue: Gattaca in Kyoto (near Saiin Station, Hankyu Line)
Gattaca is a somewhat new venue near Saiin Station in Kyoto. It is a short walk from the station, so very easy to get to on your way home from work/school, or to go back to Osaka or Kobe after the show on the last train. The venue is narrow and has a very low stage that allows for a very close experience with the band, while making no sacrifices for stage equipment so you can count on loud, powerful rock and roll.

京都の平日でどのライブハウスでやるのかを迷っていたとき、ガタカのスタッフそして京都ハードコアバンドnimのハヤトさんにガタカを勧められて、企画するに当たってとても親切に協力してくれたので、ガタカさんのみなさんのおかげで最高なイベントを組み、In Defenceをうまく京都に歓迎することができそうです。

The reason I chose to do it at Gattaca is Hayato, a staff member at the venue and a member of the Kyoto hardcore band “nim”, encouraged me to do it at the venue and is providing a lot of support to put on the show. I want to thank the venue for their kindness and help.


I know it’s a weekday show, but I really did my best to put together a lineup that would rival any weekend show, and I definitely think it’s worth seeing even if you can’t make every band. It’s okay if you come late or have to leave early (but you might miss the headliner).


Here is a short description of each of the bands.

In Defence (USA)

In Defenceはアメリカ・ミネソタ州・ミネアポリス市のスラッシュ、ハードコア、パンク、とメタルを最高に融合するバンド。ファニーであったり、真剣であったり、ヘドバンさせられることは間違ありません。

In Defence is a band from Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA). They have the perfect combination of hardcore, punk and metal, sure to get you headbanging, with lyrics that are sometimes political, sometimes silly, and often both.

In Defenceは今まで、アメリカ全国を数回、ヨーロッパ14ヵ国、そしてプエルトリコのツアーを果たしており、今日本、オーストラリアとニュージーランドツアーに向けて準備中です。
アメリカ国内では、Toxic Holocaust、Verbal Abuse、MDC、Goatwhore、Ramming Speedと一緒にツアーするほか、Danzig、Cro-Mags、Municipal Wasteのオープニングアクトを果たしてきました。

In Defence has toured a lot, with several US tours, 14 countries and Europe, and even Puerto Rico. They are leaving again very soon for their very first Japan, Australia and New Zealand tour.

私は初期のころから地元でライブを見てきた大好きなバンドです。In Defenceが日本に来たら

When I started going to punk shows, In Defence was one of the bands I saw the most. I became a huge fan. After moving to Japan, I always thought it would be fun if I ever go to see them in Japan.

そういうきっかけで自分は京都編を主催することを決めて、Terrible Jokeという未練の新しいバンドで企画することになりました。

One day, I got an email out of the blue from the guitarist Jimmy, who told me that In Defence wanted to tour Japan, and they were looking for someone to help. I had only just started playing in bands about a year before that, and I never would have imagined that I would be setting up a show for In Defence! I decided to host their Kyoto show with my new hardcore band Terrible Joke.

Esperanza Viva

In Defenceが地元のクロスオーバーバンドの代表であるとともに、関西のクロスオーバースラッシュ代表を呼ぼうと思って、Esperanza Vivaに声をかけました。
Esperanza Vivaは前に、Completed ExpositionにZen Lunaticsで呼ばれたときに対バンしたことがあって、そのきっかけで知りました。とにかく僕とZLボーカルのダニーとライブを見て「かっこいいししっかりしてるし・・・そうやって演奏するべきだよね」と感心して後で話しました。とにかくEsperanza VivaとIn Defenceの共演で盛り上がって楽しくなっていくのが間違いないと思います。Esperanza Vivaの解散が惜しくも今年いっぱいまでと発表されましたので、京都で見れるチャンスこれが最後になるかもしれません。

Esperanza Viva are here to answer the thrash crossover call. I really wanted a band to represent local crossover as In Defence brings its own vein of Minneapolis thrash. I met Esperanza Viva when I played with them as part of my other band Zen Lunatics, set up by Completed Exposition. Their performance was awesome and their thrash metal onslaught was spot on. I was sure after seeing them that they should be a band to play with In Defence.

Esperanza Viva recently announced they will be breaking up at the end of the year, so this may be the last chance to see them in Kyoto.

VMO (旧/formerly Vampillia Blackest Ever Black Metal)
このラインアップの中でかなり話題性のあるアクトだと思います。Vampilliaはご存じですか? あのBiS(BiSH)などとコラボを果たせたブラックメタルバンドですよ。世界にも人気を広げている大阪の最強のバンドです。
今回はVampilliaの新しい別ユニットVMO(Violent Magic Orchestra)に出演していただくことになりました。

VMO is definitely a band that stands out on this lineup.
They are a side project of the black metal band Vampillia. Vampillia is famous around the world, and produces collaborations with famous artists of many genres, including J-pop idol group BiS (now BiSH).
For their VMO project, instead of a physical drummer, they use pre-programmed EDM/noise tracks by famous overseas producers, and layer it with their brand of black metal madness, and even strobe lights and other effects to wrap you into a dark, magical world.
Even if you aren’t familiar with black metal, I think this is an act that anyone can enjoy, and another flavor from their usual act for Vampillia fans.

In Defenceは僕にとって地元の最高のバンドで一緒にできるのは最高の光栄だと思います。言ったら大先輩みたいなものです。それなりに関西のパンクシーンの代表を呼びたかったです。
Constrictedは滋賀のバンドでHardcore Kitchenからリリースされており、ハイテンション・ソウルフルハードコアパンクです。こんな風にツボに入るのはハードコアパンクが大好きです。In Defenceのみなさんにだけじゃなくて、いろんなパンクやハードコアが好きな人にも見てもらいたいバンドです。

It is a really big honor for me to be opening for In Defence, true heroes of the local scene back home. That is why I did my best to book a band that was equally a strong presence in the local punk scene over here.
Constricted answered the call, and I am really stoked that they accepted to be a part of our event.
Constricted is a band from Shiga, with releases on Hardcore Kitchen, a local label that has many great local bands including bands of S.O.B. members By-Pass and Anti-Spectacle.
They really represent the power, energy and soul that I love about Japanese punk rock, which has a kind of flavor that you don’t really get abroad. I’m happy that In Defence gets to see them, and I hope others who are interested in hardcore and punk rock come check them out too.

Flat Sucks
パンクはこうあるべきだ、と言いたくなるバンドです。「世紀末大運動会青春放浪」ハードコアパンクです。去年ジャパニーズパンクス代表としてバンコクでの遠征も大盛況に終わり、「人が集まるとろくなことがない」「I’m sorry I’m Japanese, I don’t speak English」「お昼寝するよ、夜には眠れないから!」などとクソ社会に対してハイエナ―ジー・ハイスピードで叫んでいくバンドです。とにかく楽しくなるパフォーマンスで、関西のとてもいいバンドだと思います。

This band really embodies what I think a punk band should be. They play what they call “Japanese fantastic athletic punk”, and in what reminds me of a sillier version of the Los Crudos attitude, they sing all in Japanese, with only one song in English, whose lyrics are, “Sorry, I am Japanese! I don’t speak English!” Bashing on society and the pressure of not being able to get a full time job, this high-energy high-speed band puts on an awesome show that even got the crowd in a frenzy during their tour to Bangkok last year.

They recently put out a four-way international cassette split, which is awesome for a band who sings almost exclusively in Japanese.

Terrible Joke
最後に、自分のバンド「Terrible Joke」です。変態グラインドコアバンド「痴漢シェフ」のトムをドラムに、この日出演の「Flat Sucks」ボーカルかおるをベースに、Ex-AnotherwearとOUTATBEROのベース・タクトをギターに、そしてZen Lunaticsギター担当の自分を立ちボーカルに、とにかく関西で一番雰囲気の楽しいヤツラを集めてみたら演奏の相性も良くて楽しい、早い、短い曲のバンドができました。
パンクハードコアに小さじのパワーバイオレンスとユーモア、「このバンドはひどい冗談みたい」の意味も「この社会なんてひどい冗談みたい」の意味も込めて「Terrible Joke」というバンド名にしました。これから活動広げていきたいバンドですので暖かく見守ってください!

Lastly, my band Terrible Joke. Made up of Tom on drums, who most recently played drums on the freaky sexy grind band “Chikan Chef”, Kaoru on bass, who is the awesome vocalist for Flat Sucks, and Kaoru on guitar, Ex-Anotherwear and Outatbero member with the silky flowing hair and beautiful smile.
So far, we have written about 15 short and fast songs. With a bit of hardcore, a bit of powerviolence, and a bit of humor, the band name plays on the fact that “our band is a terrible joke” as well as “this society is a terrible joke.” It’s just a start for us, but please check us out and if you like us, support us as we spread hardcore punk throughout Japan!

最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございます!このひのチケット予約、お問い合わせ、そしてバンドなどについての質問、気軽に terriblejokejapan [@] までぜひメールしてみてください!お待ちしております!!!!

Thanks for reading! Feel free to e-mail us at terriblejokejapan [@] to reserve a ticket, or questions about the show, the bands, or anything at all!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Intro to In Defence / Japan Tour Info - インデフェンスの紹介と日本ツアー情報

*If there are any mistakes or inaccurate information in this blog, let me know in the comments and I will fix it. Thanks for reading!

*Tour dates and information are below / ツアーの日程と詳細は以下にあります。

When I was in high school I studied abroad in Europe, where a friend brought me to hardcore and metal shows for the first time. I went back to Minneapolis, Minnesota with a newfound lust for loud fast music and mosh pits, and my search for local hardcore punk led me to a show with a band called “In Defence.” I listened to their myspace tracks again and again before going, hoping for some sing alongs. I think this was in 2006?

自分が高校生のころ、ヨーロッパに留学したことがある。そのときに知り合った友たちに初めてハードコアやメタルのライブに連れて行ってくれた。地元のアメリカのミネソタ州・ミネアポリス市に帰って来たときには、うるさくて速い音楽、そしてモッシュピットへの新しい情熱がわいていた。それを満たすために、ローカルのパンクハードコアシーンをディグったところ、「イン・デフェンス」こと「In Defence」のライブを見つけた。ライブの日が近づくにつれて、何回も何回もMyspaceのトラックを聞きまくって、シンガロングできるのを期待して予習した。これは多分2006年だったと思う。

I was not disappointed with sing-alongs, mosh pits and all around fun, not in a big venue, but in a café! The sets put on by Dios Mio and Listen Up! at the time were also unforgettable. Dios Mio brought in a spring board and put it in the middle of the mosh pit. Check out their awesome crazy video. (I can’t find any information or music about Listen Up! online.)

案の定、がっかりしなかった。シンガロング、モッシュピット、ライブハウスではなくカフェでのハードコアパンク祭だった。その日の対バンのDios MioとListen Up!も忘れられない。Dios Mioが飛び板をモッシュピットの中に仕込んだり、最高な日だった。Dios Mioの最強なMVを見てみてください。

Little did I know that ten years I would be hosting a show for In Defence on their first tour in Japan.


In Defence is fronted by vocalist Ben Crew. He has always been the forefront of the band, writing awesome and hilarious hardcore lyrics, always engaging on the stage and off.


In Defence started out as more of a youth crew straight-edge type band. Here is a song off of one of their first releases. Even though they started out with more serious lyrical themes, the songs have always been catchy, really easy to sing along with, and the shows have been inclusive and entertaining to anyone from any scene.


I saw them in a bunch of places including a bowling alley, but I probably saw them most often at my favorite Minneapolis venue, the Triple Rock Social Club. The Triple Rock is an awesome punk venue owned by a member Minneapolis’s own Dillinger Four. Incidentally, I talked to Chris from Coke Bust on tour in Osaka the other day, who mentioned that he knows In Defence vocalist Ben Crew because when Ben came on tour with Dillinger Four helping them with their tour with NOFX. You can see this stage-dive-friendly venue in NOFX’s music video, “Seeing Double at the Triple Rock.”

インデフェンスをいろんなライブハウスで見たけど、多分一番よくみたのは自分の一番好きなミネアポリスのライブハウスだった。「Triple Rock Social Club」というところだ。オーナーの一人はミネアポリスの世界的に有名なポップパンク「Dillinger Four」のメンバーだ。ちなみに、今回Coke Bustの日本ツアー中にドラムのChrisにIn Defence知ってるかと聞いたら、前、ベンがNOFXとツアー回っていたDillinger Fourのツアーヘルプを務めたときに知り合ったそう。このステージダイブにも最適なライブハウスの様子は、NOFXの「Seeing Double at the Triple Rock」のMVでたっぷり味わえてもらえたら嬉しい。

In Defence’s infamous “Taco John’s” show was an event that would shape their career. Taco John’s is a taco fast food chain similar to Taco Bell. In Defence was in Wisconsin to play a show but the cops shut it down.


Luckily, a local punk worked at a nearby Taco John’s and the manager happened to not be in that day, so he helped In Defence set up their gear and to play a show in the joint. There, they rocked and moshed, and filmed the video for their most catchiest sing-alongiest moshiest song ever, “Call More Dudes”.

幸いなことに、パンクキッズが働いていたタコジョンズ(タコベルに似ているタコスのチェインファストフード)にはたまたまマネージャーがその日に出勤していなくて、そのキッズがバンドの機材を店に入れてファストフードレストランの中でライブさせた。そこで最高のパーフォーマンスでミュージックビデオを撮った。そのビデオはインデフェンスの最高にノリノリでモッシュしたくなる曲、「Call More Dudes」。つまり、「ライブにもっとデュードを呼べ!」

It must have been thanks to this incident that In Defence developed a love for tacos, and rather than the straight edge crew, devoted themselves to the “taco crew”. You can see this theme in many of their lyrics, even their newest album released this year.
This song also spawned two sequels in later albums, “Call More Gay Dudes” and “Girls are Dudes Too”.

「Call more dudes」という曲はほかのバージョンもあとのアルバムに収録されている。「Call More Gay Dudes」(ライブにもっとゲイなデュードを呼べ!)と「Girls are Dudes too」(女もデュードだよ)

While In Defence’s lyrical content got more humorous, their musical style got more serious, and more metal. With two guitarists now sponsored by Lace pickups, Kevin and Jimmy, the band developed a more thrash style. Their last three albums have a more crossover sound, while their newest album was actually mixed by Toxic Holocaust’s Joel Grind, and has a very Toxic Holocaust-style thrash feel to it.

In Defenceの歌詞の内容がおかしくなっていくにつれて、サウンドはもっとかっこよく、メタルな雰囲気と取っていた。Laceというピックアップの会社にスポンサーされている二人のギターJimmyとKevinの加入もあって、もっとスラッシュのスタイルに成長していった。最近のアルバムは完全にクロスオーバーのところを踏んでいるけど、特に今年リリースされたアルバムは、スラッシュレジェンドのToxic HolocaustのJoel Grindにプロデュースされて、とてもスラッシュメタルな感じになったと思う。

Jimmy, besides being an excellent guitar player, is a stand-out guy. I think he is definitely well-known and respected in the Minneapolis punk scene. I knew him before he was in In Defence when he played with his high school punk band Redrum. I would often go to shows alone and he would always go out of his way to talk to me and help me feel welcome. It was really cool to see him become a part of In Defence.

Jimmy also plays guitar for an awesome black metal band called False which just released their first album and is picking up steam, even featured on NPR. Check them out.



Punk bands band aren't always recognized in the metal scene, so I thought it was pretty cool to see In Defence, a Minneapolis hardcore band featured on metal sites like Metal Archives, Metal Sucks, and Decibel Magazine.


In Defence’s has made a few music videos over the years, which are very entertaining and I highly recommend watching all of them before they come on tour. If you like it, they have a lot of their music on bandcamp and their new album is streaming on Soundcloud.


Here are the dates and show info for the tour. My band Terrible Joke will be hosting their Kyoto stop. It’s on Wednesday, a totally ordinary weekday, but there are some really killer bands playing so I hope that anyone who is free can make it out. I will make a separate blog post introducing the show.

以下はツアー日程と今の時点で決まっているライブの詳細。私はTerrible Jokeというバンドで京都編を主催させていただきます。ド平日ですが、平日だと信じられない楽しさかっこよさマックスのバンドに出演をいただけるので仕事をちょっとでも早上がりしてとても見に来ていただきたいです。

My other band Zen Lunatics will also play the last show in Osaka hosted by Cycosis at King Cobra Squat. I am so stoked to be playing with the band I followed so many years ago in Minneapolis.

もう一つやっているバンド、Zen Lunaticsで、Cycosis企画の大阪編、キンコブスクアットでトップバッターやりますのでそれも来てください。この日もというかどの日も最高なメンツがそろっています。

Tour dates / ツアー日程

11/7 (Sat) Tokyo: Pit Bar
11/8 (Sun) Tokyo: Pit Bar
11/10 (Tue) Osaka: Hokage
11/11 (Wed) Kyoto: Gattaca
11/12 (Thu) Fukuoka: Kieth Flack
11/13 (Fri) Okayama: Crazy Mama
11/14 (Sat) Osaka: King Cobra Squat

11.7sat / 11.8sun  @西荻窪PitBar


2DAYS PASS/3000yen
No Drink Charge!!!!!



open 17:30
start 18:00



open 16:30
start 17:00

HOKAGE presents
In Defence(USA)
...and more
Adv. 1800yen Door. 2300yen

Terrible Joke Pres.
Shitty Life Vol. 1
2015/11/11 (Wed.)
Venue: Gattaca
w/ In Defence
Esperanza Viva
Terrible Joke
Flat Sucks
VMO (改名前: Vampillia Blackest Ever Black Metal Band / Vampilliaの別ユニット)
Start / Open: 18:00 / 18:30
Tickets (Adv/door): 1500/2000

Tainted DickMen presents
【The Dependence】〜IN DEFENCE JAPAN TOUR 2015
@kieth flack
open 18:30 / start 19:00
ticket 1500(+1d)
Tainted DickMen

11/13 (Fri.)
Okayama Crazymama1


ADV ¥2,000 DOOR ¥2,500 +1drInk ¥500
OPEN 17:30 START 18:00~

In defence (アメリカ)
Zen Lunatics (京都)
By-pass (滋賀)
Katsuyama i.d



In Defence posted a pic of the tour t-shirt they made. There are some spelling mistakes that they had to fix, haha. It looks like their plan for Nov. 9 is “sushi.” As you can see, after their Japan tour, they are heading straight to Australia and New Zealand to keep on touring.


(From their facebook page. フェイスブックページより )

Thursday, August 20, 2015

This band is a Terrible Joke

Zen Lunaticsの活動でバンドやる勢いを止められなくて、新しくバンド組みました。ひどい冗談みたいなバンドやりたくて「Terrible Joke」という名前を付けました。

I had so much fun in Zen Lunatics that I decided to start another band. I think we managed to choose name that encompasses the kind of attitude I want for the band. Please meet “Terrible Joke”.

ピンボー(ボーカル)がやりたく結成しました。ゼンルナのギターとして成長できたものの(まだまだ下手だけど)、今まで一番尊敬してきたのはハードコアのボーカルでした。Los Crudos/Limp WristのマーティンやBaneのAaronなどたくさんあります。

I formed Terrible Joke with as the vocalist. While I really grew as a guitarist in Zen Lunatics (though I still am not that good a player), I have always looked up to hardcore vocalists. Some of my favorites include Los Crudos/Limp Wrist’s Martin Sorrondeguy, Bane’s Aaron Bedard, and many more.


I am so happy to have found three musicians to back me up that bring the performance quality of our band way above the level of a “terrible joke”. Takuto, on guitar, punishes the riffs into his flying V with his silky flowing hair and his charming smile. Kaoru, on bass, brings his thrash roots into his punk persona bringing the metal out of the simple three-chord riffs. Tom, on drums, while at times an out of control party animal, maximizes the rhythm and groove without sacrificing the high-speed attack.


We’ve only been together a couple months. So far I have written the riffs and lyrics for all 13 songs, but from here on out I think creative input from the other members and the positive fun atmosphere among the four of us will really help us develop as a pretty cool band.


My main goal in this band is just to have fun. Please come and check out our shows, and if you’re putting on a show, think about giving us an invite!


Here are a couple of videos from our first shows to check out.


Our next show is this Sunday in Socrates, a small but awesome venue in Kyoto. Come check us out!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A Zen Lunatic Today, Tomorrow, and Forever / 永遠に禅ルナティック

 Dani, the lead singer of Zen Lunatics, went back to the States last week. While he was planning on eventually going back in search of his next stage in his journey as a Zen Lunatics, he had to go a bit sooner than planned for some medical treatment.

先週末Zen LunaticsボーカルのDaniが帰国した。禅探しを続けるために、以前からアメリカに帰るするつもりだったけど、少し治療が必要になったため早めの帰国になってしまった。

After a lifetime of putsing around on the guitar, going to shows, and some short-lived musical projects, this was my first proper band at the age of 27. I am so proud to have made such excellent music, played killer shows, and made some beautiful friends among my bandmates and in the scene.


For me, the best symbol of our accomplishments as a band is our vinyl release of our first properly recorded record, “Sacred Mountain Blues”. Releasing the record has taught me so much about music and how cool the vinyl format is. You can listen to the whole thing here.

バンドの功績として残せたものと言えば、自分にとって一番大切なのは「Sacred Mountain Blues」のアナログレコードリリース。このリリースを出すにあたって、音楽やヴァイナルの魅力などたくさん学ぶ機会になった。こちらで全部無料で聞けるので是非。

Zen Lunatics is far from finished. We are planning on recording new music, with Dani recording vocals from overseas. We are still discussing how to release the new music.


Also, I will cover for vocals for our two shows in November. Please come to our shows in Osaka on November 14th and Kyoto on November 28th if you are in town. Not only will we do our best to put on a killer show, but the other bands on those days are simply amazing.



ADV ¥2,000 DOOR ¥2,500 +1drInk ¥500
OPEN 17:30 START 18:00~

In Defence (アメリカ)
Zen Lunatics (京都)
By-pass (滋賀)
Katsuyama i.d
The In the mirrors


Sacred Mountain Blues Vol. 6
Sk8niks & Scottish Fold Release Show in Kyoto
Nov. 28, 2015 (Saturday)
Scottish Fold
manchester school≡
Zen Lunatics
Studio 246 Kyoto (near Hankyu Omiya Station)
1000 yen Open: 17:30 Start: 18:00

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Up-and-coming punk bands in Osaka, Japan / 関西で要注目のパンクバンド

I've been hanging around going to shows in the Kansai area, and I wanted to share a few bands I think everyone should now about that I haven't seen on any/many Japanese punk band lists. Check it!



Known as a two-bass noise crust punk band, their lineup is changing with one bassist going on vocals only and a new high school kid on guitar. Looking forward to their new style. Their overpowering noise is complemented by awesome riffs and fast beats.


Zyanose at Chaos in Tejas (old lineup) - YouTube:

Zyanose in King Cobra, Osaka, Japan (new lineup)

Manchester School≡
Buzzcocks plus Gang Green plus Japanese lyrics and little angst mixed in. Love these guys.

Gang Green+日本語の歌詞+青春をかき混ぜた結果。このバンドめっちゃ好き。

manchester school≡ "Last Scene" (official music video):

Flat Sucks

Really raw old-school hardcore punk, with humorous lyrics and performance. The members are really interested in touring outside Japan, with past ventures to Southeast Asia.


Flat Sucks - Sorry.wmv: 

Hitoga Atsumaruto Rokuna Kotoganai / Flat Sucks -

KK Manga

Leading the "scum punk" scene in Osaka. Usually barf on stage and trash their gear by the end. Unforgettable live performance.


Cover of A-ha's Take On Me: